Email & Spam Data

Top Senders by IP Address

IP Address Hostname

Network Owner

The organization name for some larger corporate and educational networks. If organization is a small business or is unavailable, the Internet Service Provider name is returned.
Network Owner

Email Volume

Email volume uses a log scale with a base of 10. A volume of 10 equates to 100% of the world\'s email volume. A one point decrease in magnitude equates to a 10x decrease in actual volume. This only gives insight about the total email volume and not about the reputation. Read More.
Last Day Vol

Volume Change

Difference between the volume for the last day and the average daily volume for the previous month.
Vol Change

Email Reputation

By tracking a broad set of attributes for email, Talos Intelligence Center supports very accurate conclusions about a given host. It generates a granular reputation score ranging from -10 to +10. This score is grouped into Good, Neutral and Poor reputation for simplicity reasons. Read More.
Email Rep
IP Address Hostname

Network Owner

The organization name for some larger corporate and educational networks. If organization is a small business or is unavailable, the Internet Service Provider name is returned.
Network Owner

Email Volume

Email volume uses a log scale with a base of 10. A volume of 10 equates to 100% of the world\'s email volume. A one point decrease in magnitude equates to a 10x decrease in actual volume. This only gives insight about the total email volume and not about the reputation. Read More.
Last Day Vol

Volume Change

Difference between the volume for the last day and the average daily volume for the previous month.
Vol Change

Email Reputation

By tracking a broad set of attributes for email, Talos Intelligence Center supports very accurate conclusions about a given host. It generates a granular reputation score ranging from -10 to +10. This score is grouped into Good, Neutral and Poor reputation for simplicity reasons. Read More.
Email Rep

Top Senders by Network Owner

Network Owner

The organization name for some larger corporate and educational networks. If organization is a small business or is unavailable, the Internet Service Provider name is returned.
Network Owner

Email Volume

Email volume uses a log scale with a base of 10. A volume of 10 equates to 100% of the world\'s email volume. A one point decrease in magnitude equates to a 10x decrease in actual volume. This only gives insight about the total email volume and not about the reputation. Read More.
Last Day Volume

Volume Change

Difference between the volume for the last day and the average daily volume for the previous month.
Volume Change

Number of Domains

Number of email sending domains associated with the network owner.

Network Owner

The organization name for some larger corporate and educational networks. If organization is a small business or is unavailable, the Internet Service Provider name is returned.
Network Owner

Email Volume

Email volume uses a log scale with a base of 10. A volume of 10 equates to 100% of the world\'s email volume. A one point decrease in magnitude equates to a 10x decrease in actual volume. This only gives insight about the total email volume and not about the reputation. Read More.
Last Day Volume

Volume Change

Difference between the volume for the last day and the average daily volume for the previous month.
Volume Change

Number of Domains

Number of email sending domains associated with the network owner.

Top 100 Country Senders

Email Volume

Email Volume

Email volume uses a log scale with a base of 10. A volume of 10 equates to 100% of the world\'s email volume. A one point decrease in magnitude equates to a 10x decrease in actual volume. This only gives insight about the total email volume and not about the reputation. Read More.
Last Day Volume

Email Volume

Email volume uses a log scale with a base of 10. A volume of 10 equates to 100% of the world\'s email volume. A one point decrease in magnitude equates to a 10x decrease in actual volume. This only gives insight about the total email volume and not about the reputation. Read More.
Last Day Volume